SWE 2410, Lab 3: Designing a Garden

This assignment spans two labs. You will do just the initial design and write just a bare minimum of code for this lab. A more complete implementation will be required for the next lab. Both lab assignments will be done in teams.

You have been asked to build a simple garden simulator for a botanist. In this simulator, bees visit flowers for food and flowers can drain energy. The garden will be shown from above with bees moving through the flower bed; there is no need to show how tall the flowers are. The intent is that a botanist could start with this code and build a simulator that allows mixing different types of flowers and bees. The project will give you experience with identifying a problem domain and using this to build an implementation.


This section specifies the full requirements for your project. You will implement only a portion of these for this lab. Read through these so you have a full picture of the project

Process and design constraints


As discussed above, you do not have to implement the full set of requirements for this lab. Instead, submit the following:

The final, more complete implementation will be due as next week’s lab.

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