Code Documentation Standards
The following are minimum standards. If you use a process or tool
(such as Rational Rose) that
provides additional documentation, it may be included.
- The beginning of each source file should contain:
- The name of the file.
- A short description of the purpose of the file.
- The date it was originally written.
- The original author.
- A modification log (when appropriate) that describes:
- When the modifications were made.
- Who made the modifications.
- What modifications were made (fewer than 10 words per change are usually
- If you are using a revision control system, the
automatic inclusions made by the system are adequate for this purpose.
- Each function prototype should contain the following documentation:
- What the function does.
- The parameters passed in the formal argument list (if there is one parameter
and its purpose is obvious [such as const obj & src in obj's copy
constructor], it does not need to be documented).
- What the function returns (if anything).
- The following documentation should precede each function body:
- Any sources other than the author (Web URL, fellow student, etc.)
that aided in the design of the function (and what aid was
- A modification log (when appropriate) for the function.
- Within each function, documentation should be provided for any
code whose purpose is not immediately obvious to someone with your
current level of programming knowledge. "Immediately obvious" is all
relative; in my early experience, what was immediately obvious in code I wrote
myself was totally obscure a year later. This led to a couple of problems: a) I
spent too much time re-understanding why I had done something in a certain
fashion, and b) I spent too much time answering questions for people that had
taken over maintenance of my code. Over time, I've become far more verbose in my
Module heading
(Function) heading
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