SE-0010 Introduction to Software Development
Dr. Mark Hornick

Objective     Schedule     Quizzes     Grading

Revision History

This page was last updated on 11/07/2007.

Final Exam schedule posted.

Class Schedule

Lectures are on Tuesday in CC49 from 9:00am to 9:50am.
Labs are on Thursday in CC48 from 9:00am to 10:50am. Note the room change.

As stated in my general course policies, attendance is mandatory for all lectures and labs. If you miss more than 3 sessions of either lecture or lab in any combination without a valid excuse, you will be administratively dropped from the course.

Email me when you foresee yourself to be absent. Be sure to read the entire document for all relevant policies that apply to this course.

Course Description

This course provides an introduction to object-oriented software development using the Java programming language. Emphasis is placed on translating written problem descriptions into robust software solutions. Topics covered include Java program structure, algorithmic problem solving, I/O statements, simple control constructs, class libraries.


An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java, 4th Edition, by C. Thomas Wu (Otani), McGraw-Hill, 2006, ISBN: 0-07-294652-0. Lecture slides are based on material provided by the textbook author. Reading assignments are listed below in the "4th Edition" column.

Java Development Tools

Follow this link for more information on the tools we use for this course.

Tentative Schedule

Week Day Topic Reading Lab
W6 T Assessment exercise See the SE1010 website for powerpoint slides covering the first 5 weeks of that course

Lab 1: Java Basics

W7 T Java Basics Review pp 18-20, 82-85
pp 31-74
pp 57-67, 166-168

sample code: Volume Calculator solution

Quiz 1

Lab 2: Interest Calculator

W8 T Selection (conditional control) statements

relational operators,
the boolean datatype,
boolean expressions,
boolean operators,
the if() statement,
the while() statement

pp 85-135
pp 219-244
pp 297-302

Sample code: Volume Calculator with selection statements

Quiz 2

Lab 3: Interest Calculator with Error Handling
W9 T Iteration (looping and repetition)
do-while(), for() statements

pp 297-328

Quiz 3

Lab 4: Spirograph

W10 T Selection statements continued:
The switch() statement

pp 245-253 

pp 151-190, 367-371

Review material

Course/Instructor Evaluations

Lab 5: Random Color Spirograph

W11 Final Exam
Tuesday, November 13, 2007


A quiz will be given approximately once per week at the beginning of Lab. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped. No make-up quizzes will be given.

Grading algorithm

Lab grades are determined by meeting the criteria specified on the individual lab assignments. Any lab assignment involving creation of a program must be substantially functional in order to receive a passing grade. If you turn in a non-functioning program and have not come to see me for help, a grade of no higher than 50 will be given for that assignment.

Note that this algorithm indicates how a grade will be determined for students who have successfully demonstrated mastery of the course objectives. An acceptable level of success in meeting all course objectives is a prerequisite for a passing grade in the course.

Criterion Weight
Labs 40%
Quizzes 20%
Hour Exams 20%
Final Exam 20%

This page was last updated on 11/07/2007