SE-2800 Software Engineering Process
Activity: The Scrum Ball Game

The objective of this lab is to become familiar with some fundamental process elements, such as estimation and progress tracking.


Your instructor will select a team comprised of approximately 6 persons. The team will be playing the "Scrum Ball Game". The goal of this game is to pass as many balls as possible through every member of the team in 2 minutes. They'll do this in several iterations, or Sprints, each time recording estimates, defects, any changes made to the approach, and other notes regarding team performance.



Use the table found in SE2800-ScrumBallGame.docx to record the following information for each Sprint:


At the completion of the exercise, you'll analyze and interpret the results as a class.

Credit: The idea for this game was provided by Mr. Brad Becker of Brady Corporation, Milwaukee, WI, which uses a Scrum process for software development. The game was originally conceived by Scrum evangelist Boris Gloger and a form of it is discussed by Declan Whelan here.