C++ Examples (ANSI/ISO Standard Version)

Copyright C. S. Tritt, Ph.D.

Linked are four C++ programs that illustrate some of the major features of the language. For more information on many of these language features, see my C++ Quick Reference Page.

Some of these examples use function prototypes and put function definitions after main(). An alternate approach is to skip the function prototyhpes and put function definitions before main(). The prototype approach scales up better, while the functions before main() approach is more convenient for small programs.

sum.cpp swap.cpp
stdlib.cpp arrays.cpp
strings.cpp complex.cpp
comments.cpp cppstrings.html
cstrings.cpp cstrings2.cpp
stlstrings.cpp stlstrings2.cpp
stringswitch.cpp polytropic.cpp
formatedio.cpp rectangle.cpp

The program sum.cpp illustrates:

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The program swap.cpp illustrates:

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The program stdlib.cpp illustrates:

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The program arrays.cpp reads from file asum.in and illustrates:

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The program strings.cpp illustrates:

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The program complex.cpp reads from file complex.dat and illustrates:

Note: Modern C++ has a complex template class (defined in <complex>).

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The program comments.cpp reads text from the file sometext.txt and illustrates:

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The web page cppstrings.html discusses various ways in which to handle textual data in modern C++.

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The program cstrings.cpp illustrates:

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The program cstrings2.cpp illustrates:

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The program stlstrings.cpp illustrates:

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The program stlstrings2.cpp illustrates:

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The program stringswitch.cpp illustrates:

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The program polytropic.cppreads data from the file ideal.dat and illustrates:

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The program formatedio.cpp illustrates:

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The program rectangle.cpp illustrates:

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Among the "advanced" C++ topics not covered in these examples are:

Send comments and suggestions about these examples to: Charles S. Tritt, Ph.D.
This page last updated 9/26/99