Network Protocols


In this lab, you will predict the bits used to store values in a Python program.

Work this lab individually. Do not show your work or answers to another student, and do not ask to see another students unless you are trying to help them and yours is complete.

Provided Materials

  • Lab Checklist — I will provide a paper copy of this. You will print and submit all your materials stapled behind this checklist.
  • showbits.py (right-click to saveWhenever you are asked to save a file,
    it is best to right-click and select "Save link as"
    rather than following the link.
    This ensures your file exact matches the one
    on the server byte for byte.
    ) — Simple library for viewing the bits used to store a number either raw (1's and 0's) or in hexadecimal shorthand. See the handout for example usage.
  • Lab Exercise


Lab 3 is entirely a prelab. You will use the Lab 3 period to start Lab 4 with your team.

Work through the lab exercise. Turn in your report with the checklist stapled on top of the exercise.