Lab 7


  • Please see your instructor's submission instructions for checklists, etc.
  • Please see the Lab Handout (FAQ added to lab. Shift-F5 to force refresh the PDF and get the latest version. It' section 6, the second-to-last section just before the challenge section) for the description of the lab.
  • Please right-click to download the tftpserver.py template.
  • Please consult with your instructor as to whether the TFTP exercise is required for the lab.

    (Acknowledgements: This lab written by Dr. Lembke)

    Submission Instructions for Dr. Yoder

    For Dr. Yoder's section, please use the following checklist:

    • Lab Checklist — I will provide a paper copy of this.
    • TFTP exercise — This was provided to you in class. Each student should submit their own copy. Both copies should be placed before your code. If you need another copy, please ask your instructor.

    Again, these instructions apply to Dr. Yoder's students only.