Software Development II

Our Lab 3 is Lab 2 on Dr. Taylor's site.

I will provide a printout of the checklist.

Each student must add the following comment at the end of the ReferenceHolder class and provide answers for the questions included in the comment:

1) Introduction: Describe the lab in your own words 

2) Where in this design is there an example of aggregation?

3) Where in this design are there static methods?

4) Why is the myuniqueid attribute read only?

5) Summarize what you learned during this lab

6) Things you liked about the lab or suggestions for improvement

Each student must submit their implementation with complete functionality. code should follow the Coding Standard.

Week 3 Lab Checkpoint

Complete the Reference and ReferenceHolder classes so that they will compile against and correctly generate a new reference number (e.g. REF0, REF1) for each reference.

For the checkpoint, you do not need to have the author, date, etc. saving/printing. Having something like

author = "",
title = "",
year = ""
is enough.

(requirements adapted from Dr. Taylor's)