Software Component Design

This is an old version of this course, from Winter 2013-2014. A newer version is avaliable here.

Turn-in instructions (due Week 4 Monday, 11 pm)

This is an individual assignment. Although discussing challenges with your classmates is encouraged, you should do all of the lab on your own. If you worked closely with anyone on this problem, include their name in the block-comment at the top of your source file.

I will be out of town for most of break.

Your assignment will consist of:

  • your completed implementation, containing your fully-commented, functional classes. Your classes should be saved to, etc. where username is your username.
  • a reverse-engineered UML class diagram of your .part6 (or .part7 if you choose to complete it) Save this as a PDF file called uml.pdf at where username is your username. Use the File/Print command and printing to a PDF printer driver (e.g. CutePDF Writer). Thanks to a student for pointing out that the UML diagram is not very useful for this lab.
  • A text file or PDF of your lab log, named lab3.txt or lab3.pdf, and located at|pdf) where username is your username.
  • Because emerald is still "down," please email me your log files (not everything!). Important: Name your email "se2811 lab3 pascalb where pascalb is your username. Also, name your file lab3.txt or lab3.pdf as above. Deadline: Wednesday at 11pm

Submit your assignment by committing your projects entire source folder to your SVN repository in a top-level project named "Lab3" (See above) (no trunk, branches, or tag is needed). The .pdf image file should be directly in the Lab3 folder In your username folder, but all code should be in a subfolder of Lab3 named "src" (See above). Do not commit any binary files (such as .class files), and do not commit the EA project file.


This lab developed by MSOE faculty.