Software Component Design

Our Week 6 & 7 Lab is Dr. Hasker's Lab 5

Please place all your files within the "bus" package within your team's repository.

Initial Lab Period

During the initial lab period, please complete and demonstrate as much of the "First Week Submission" steps as you can. In particular, I am hopeful that all teams will be able to demonstrate their domain-level class diagram.

First Week Submission (Due at start of Week 7 Lab Period)

In addition to the First Week Submission instructions posted on Dr. Hasker's site, each team should also have their abstract observer and abstract subject completely implemented and committed to bitbucket.

Each team should also have any other interfaces between the two member's code committed to bitbucket. Defining interfaces between the two memeber's code is a requirement of this lab. Extreme programming (pair programming) is not permitted as your team's primary coding strategy, although you may use it at times.

Place this A README template specifying where all the parts of the lab submission are in your lab folder. Move your code into the bus folder within the src as described in the README.

Second Week Submission (Due at start of Week 8 Lab Period)