Software Design Lab


Please see the shared syllabus on Dr. Hasker's shared SDL page for an overview of the process.

In particular, please review Weeks 1-10 on the schedule, as these give an overview of the deliverables for the first through third sprints


Closing PBIs

All PBIs must be closed by Sunday evening of Finals Week (15 Oct 2020). Your team may wish to establish an earlier deadline for members. Any PBIs closed after this date should be reported as incomplete in the sprint retro. This is especially important as you start to compute velocities this sprint.

Review and Retro

Please submit exactly ONE pdf per team containing both the review and retro in a single document. Please coordinate with your team to ensure that this document is submitted and that it is what the team wants submitted.

Please follow the document provided on Dr. Hasker's site. This site also includes markdown templates that could be helpful.

This sprint, the review and retro are due Wednesday evening of Finals Week (28 Oct 2020) in Canvas.

During the Tuesday meeting of Week 10, we will perform class climate evaluations. Please plan on reserving 15 minutes for this activity.

Please submit the report as a PDF through Canvas.

Individual Contribution Report for the quarter

This sprint, a contribution report summarizing the entire quarter is also due Wednesday evening of Finals Week. Each student should prepare their own report and submit it to Canvas separately.

Details on the requirements for the individual contribution report (Again found on Dr. Hasker's site)

The individual contribution report is an opportunity to point out any major contributions to your team's effort that I may miss in summarizing the three sprints of progress. Three to five screenshots of the programs you developed will be sufficient. Focus instead on summarizing high-level contributions; there is no need to mention categories in which you had small or no contributions. While writing the individual technical spike, you are asked to select a grade and argue for it. I recommend selecting a grade that is roughly where you feel you are in the course, or slightly above it. If you argue for a grade above where you feel you are, remember to include some reasons why I, your instructor, might give you that grade for the quarter. Just the process of thinking through and writing this can add a lot of value to your report. You may think of major contributions to add in the body of the report while reflecting on it.


Presentations will be given Monday of Finals Week at 8am during the classes' scheduled final exam period. At the start of the presentation period, please provide a PDF of your presentation materials (slides) to the instructor with between 4 to 9 slides per page. This will be submitted as a Canvas assignment.

Please follow the general instructions from the shared syllabus's schedule and the detailed instructions also on Dr. Hasker's page.

There will also be peer evaluations to end off the quarter. These will be due Wednesday evening of Finals weeek (18 Nov 2020).

Please submit your peer evaluations by filling out this form.

History of this page

This page posted 4 Nov 2020. It was discussed at the start of Sprint 3, but it was not visible to students at that time and there were still date errors on the page.

13 Nov 2020: Peer evaluation deadline added. Link to Individual Contribution Report requirements and discussion of this added. Link to peer evaluation added. Assignments for Final Presentation Slides, Sprint 3 Review/Retro, and Individual Contribution Report posted in Canvas. Remaining reference to esubmit removed. Slides per page for presention material removed.