Software Design Lab


In this sprint, you will define the scope of your project through the develepoment of mock-ups and explore key technologies through individual technical spikes.

Please see the shared syllabus on Dr. Hasker's shared SDL page for an overview of the process. Weeks 1-4 on the shared schedule give detailed instructions for the first sprint.


Closing PBIs

All PBIs must be closed by Monday evening of Week 4 (27 Sept 2021). Any PBIs closed after this date should be reported as incomplete in the sprint retro.

Individual Technology Spikes

Each student should arrange a half-hour individual meeting with the instructor during the last two days of Week 4. These do not need to be demoed to the product owner. Please send me an Outlook invitation during a free time on my schedule.

If are unable to complete your technical sprint by the Monday Week 4 (27 Sept 2021) PBI-closing deadline, please contact me to arrange details.

By Wednesday of Week 4 (29 Sept 2021) each student will submit a brief report documenting:

  • the goal
  • technologies tried and used
  • how to build the system and test that it works
  • lessons learned

This report will be submitted to esubmit Canvas as a PDF.

Review and Retro

This sprint, the review and retro are due Week 4 Wednesday evening in Canvas.

Please submit the report as a PDF. Submit exactly ONE pdf per team containing both the review and retro in a single document. Please coordinate with your team to ensure that this document is submitted and that it is what the team wants submitted.

Please follow the document provided on Dr. Hasker's site, with the following additions:

  • Describe any peculiarities (burn cliff, missing PBIs, etc.) in your burndown chart by the chart.
  • Include your issue # burndown chart. If your team uses story points, include a story-point burndown chart. Do not mention the hourly burndown chart -- the story-point burndown chart replaces it.

  • Please reference PBI #'s when refering to PBIs in your report:

    • Include issue numbers and descriptions in the summary at the beginning of the report.
    • Include issue numbers for the primary PBIs that you contributed to.
    • Include pull request numbers that you contributed in a significant way to the review of. You do not need to mention the pull requests that completed PBIs you named earlier, as these are implied by your involvment on that PBI.