Software Design Lab

In addition to wrapping up your last Sprint / Flex Week, please submit an individual contribution report, prepare a team presentation, and remember to submit your peer evaluations.

Individual Contribution Report for the quarter

A contribution report summarizing the entire quarter is due Wednesday evening of Finals Week. Each student should prepare their own report and submit it to esubmit separately.

Please follow the detailed instructions found on Dr. Hasker's page.

Please submit the report as a PDF. The individual contribution esubmit page is now posted.


Presentations will be given Wednesday of Finals Week at 8am during the classes' scheduled final exam period. At the start of the presentation period, please provide a printout of your presentation materials (slides) to the instructor with between 4 to 9 slides per page.

Please follow the general instructions from the shared syllabus's schedule and the detailed instructions also on Dr. Hasker's page.

Peer Evaluations

Peer Evaluation Link. Due end of Friday of Finals Week.

(Page posted 25 Feb 2020, Dr. Hasker's guides posted since last quarter.)