Software Design Lab


Since sprints are three weeks long, there is one additional week that does not fall during class. The team may choose to place this week after any of the three sprints -- in Week 4, Week 7, or Week 10.


If the flex week falls in Week 10, these activities (listed on the main syllabus) must be completed during the week:

  • Meet with the product owner and identify priorities for the next sprint. Be especially careful to identify when the system can be published for more general use, at least as a prototype.
  • Review the project's Readme file and other documentation to ensure each document is current.
  • Complete any outstanding PBIs or strengthen testing as appropriate.
  • Perform exploratory testing and document standing issues.

Teams who take their flex-week early should complete the items above by the end of Sprint 3.


Regardless of when you take a flex week, please write a brief (3/4 to one-page) report including hours worked this week by each member and major activities of the week.

Please submit the report through Canvas.

Please submit this in PDF.

This document is due on the first Wednesday after the week ends: if in Week 4, Wednesday of Week 5, if in Week 7, Wednesday of Week 8, if in Week 10, Wednesday of Finals Week.