Software Design Lab


Since sprints are three weeks long, there is one additional week that does not fall during a sprint. This quarter, we will place this week in Week 10 and use it for course wrap-up.


These activities (listed on the main syllabus) must be completed during the week:

  • Submit your individual contribution report. (Due Week 10 Tuesday.)
  • Submit your peer evaluations. (Due Week 10 Tuesday.)
  • Meet with the product owner and identify priorities for the next year, if applicable. Be especially careful to identify when the system can be published for more general use, at least as a prototype.
  • Review the project's Readme file and other documentation to ensure each document is current. This is expecially important in the last sprint of the year! But even in this Winter sprint, this is a very good thing to look at!
  • Complete any outstanding PBIs or strengthen testing as appropriate.
  • Perform exploratory testing and document standing issues.

Individual Contribution Report for the quarter

This is a contribution report summarizing the entire quarter. Each student should prepare their own report and submit it to esubmit separately.

Please follow the detailed instructions found on Dr. Hasker's page.

The individual contribution report is your chance to highlight your biggest contributions to the team over the course of the year. It does not need to be more than two pages long, but should not be less thane one page long. Think of this as your last opportunity of the quarter to make sure I didn't miss something really important that you did this quarter. I do not need an exhaustive list of your contributions. One to three major contributions under each of the areas of process and software development are sufficient. Think of Dr. Hasker's instructions as a brainstorming list to help you remember what these contributions were.

I am occasionally pleasantly surprised, especially by contributions students mention under process. For example, a student might mention, "I suggested that we include PBI numbers at the start of every branch name. This helped the team know who was working on each branch more easily." Or "I was behind ___ that helped the team be so successful at accurately estimating our sprints." There are many creative ways to contribute to process. Even something as simple as, "I suggested we do ____ to avoid being too chatty during meetings. It seems to have worked!" can be meaningful to discuss!

There is no deliverable due for any Week 10 development activities the team may perform. If you have completed any PBI work not mentioned in the Sprint 3 Review, it would be good to higlight this in your individual contribution report.

Please submit the report as a PDF.

Peer Evaluations

Please submit the peer evaluations through the link found in the Canvas assignment. The link to the peer evaluation form can be found in Canvas in a page that will appear 3 May 2022.


Presentations will be given during Finals Week during the classes' scheduled final exam period. At the start of the presentation period, please provide a printout of your presentation materials (slides) to the instructor with between 4 to 9 slides per page.

Please follow the general instructions from the shared syllabus's schedule and the detailed instructions also on Dr. Hasker's page.