CS-1030 Software Design 2
Lab 1: Multiplication Table



Using C++ and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, create a project (follow these instructions) for a console-based application program that prompts the user for the size of a multiplication table, and then prints (to the console) a square table of that size. For instance, for a size of 5, the output would be (notice the right-justified columns of numbers):
	1	  2	  3	  4	  5
	2	  4	  6	  8      	10
	3	  6	  9      	12      	15
	4	  8      	12      	16      	20
	5      	10      	15      	20      	25 
Do not permit entry of sizes less than 1 or greater than 25. Print an error message and quit the program if this 
condition is encountered.
Implement this program in a single main() function in a single source (.cpp) file. Using a couple of nested for() loops 
makes this program pretty simple to write.
Use the iostream cin and cout objects to acquire input from the user and display output to the console. 
Use the functions demonstrated to you to adjust the formatting of the output, so that the elements within the
multiplication table are right-justified.
Here is sample code that demonstrates the use of cin and cout.
Once you have this program working, demonstrate it to your instructor. 

Lab Report (due 11:00pm, the day before Lab 2 begins)

This program  should be completed within the lab period.
If you cannot complete it, then you'll have to submit a complete Lab Report

Use this Word document as a template for your report.

Submit your assignment following these instructions:
  1. Navigate to your VS .NET project directory (see this note on configuring the workspace).
  2. You should have a subdirectory under your VS .NET project directory with the name of the project you used for this lab. 
  3. Upload your submission through WebCT (assignment "Lab 1"). Upload each file separately; do not zip files.
  4. Enter the overall time you spent on this lab into the FAST system (for week 1).
Be sure to keep copies of all your files, in case something gets lost.

Program quality

Report quality