Software Component Design
Dr. Hasker is hosting this week's lab on his site. Please see the lab there.
Submission instructions will be different in Dr. Yoder's section and will be announced shortly.
Dr. Hasker is hosting this week's lab on his site. Please see the lab there.
Submission instructions will be different in Dr. Yoder's section and will be announced shortly.
Please submit to me a hard copy of your design documents in the Lab 5 period. Also submit an electronic copy of your AbstractSubject and AbstractObserver.
If your design is complete and you are waiting for an opportunity to demo, please continue with implementing the lab.
Please prepare your code for submission BEFORE the Lab 6 lab period. You will demo your code (and have some time to correct minor errors) during the Lab 6 period.
See the requirements for the final design and submitting your code above. Upload the necessary files below.
Check that you see, e.g., Successfully completed upload for user foggp_passepartout
and submit again if you don't. If you can't get the webpage working after several attempts, email me the error that the webpage gives and your submission files.
You will demo your final application in lab, in Week 6. You will have an opportunity to correct any minor errors found in the demo DURING lab, up to 1 hour and 45 minutes into the lab.