Software Component Design

The primary page for this week's lab is on Dr. Hasker's site.

Please look for your graded Lab 6 this weekend and correct any errors noted in the review.


You will submit this lab in report format following this template with included zip through the web form. (So you will submit a txt, a UML class png, and a zip to the webpage.) See Dr. Hasker's page for a description of what the report should contain. Keep the simple text section dividers exactly as they are in the template. Delete text in [...] square brackets, replacing with your text.

Be sure to comment your code properly, and include an @author tag on every class (every method if you collaborated on a class).

The base grade for the lab this week is 100, not 93. (There is no "excellent credit" requirement.)

Acknowledgement: This week's lab developed by MSOE faculty, including Dr. Mark Hornick, Dr. Rob Hasker, and Dr. Josiah Yoder

Submission Form for Dr. Yoder