Software Component Design


Submission details

  • Please EMAIL me your presentation for review two class days before the presentation.
  • Please write a 1/2 to one-page report on your contributions to the team, including your name as the author, your team-members names (just for my organizational sanity), your pattern name, the course code (SE2811), and the date. Use a title similar to "Individual Contribution Report." Please submit this by Week 10 Wednesday in class/lab.
  • Please print your slides and hand them to me at the start of the presentations. For those presenting on Tuesday, I will give time for this at the start of the presentations.
  • Please state at the beginning of the demo whether your code is checked into master or not (either is OK) and be sure to demo from the presentation laptop and ensure this demo works before the presentation!
  • Please ensure that code with the demoed functionality is checked into master before leaving the presentation period.

(This section addded 18 Feb 2020 -- Week 10 Tuesday)