Software Design Lab


Please see the shared syllabus for an overview of the process.

In particular, please review Weeks 1-7 on the schedule, as these give an overview of the deliverables for the first and second sprints


Closing PBIs

All PBIs must be closed by Monday evening of Week 8. Any PBIS closed after this date should be reported as incomplete in the sprint retro. This is especially important as you start to compute velocities next sprint.

Review and Retro

Please submit exactly ONE pdf per tea containing both the review and retro in a single document. Please coordinate with your team to ensure that this document is submitted and that it is what the team wants submitted.

Please follow the format document provided on Dr. Hasker's site:

This site also includes markdown templates that could be helpful.

This sprint, the review and retro are due Wednesday evening in esbumit.