Software Development II
You will upload:
- Your individual .java files
—and— - A ```README.md``` file with an informal report (see below)
- A ```screenshot.png``` file (If you did not demo during the Week 4 lab period)
Match the case of each specified filename exactly. See hints from previous labs for naming README.md correctly.
The file README.md should follow the standard template:## Introduction [Replace this line with a description of the lab in your own words] ## Conclusion [Replace this line with a description of what you learned in this lab] ## Things I Liked / Suggestions for Improvement [Replace this line with what you liked or think could be improved about the lab. (Required.)]
Again, make sure to follow the coding standard.
Put ALL your files in the package username
Your output should be similar to, but may not need to exactly match, the output in the esubmit page -- use your discretion in deciding what to fix.