Software Development II

For the main lab instructions, see Dr. Taylor's site reachable from the Lab5 (ins) link in the sidebar.

In Winter 2017-2019, please upload your source code to esubmit

If you expect to use esubmit from off campus, please install Global Protect as described by Dr Hasker.

You will upload:

  • Your individual .java files
  • A ```README.md``` file with an informal report (see below)

Match the case of each specified filename exactly. See hints from previous labs for naming README.md correctly.

The file README.md should follow the standard template:
## Introduction

[Replace this line with a description of the lab in your own words]

## Conclusion

[Replace this line with a description of what you learned in this lab]

## Things I Liked / Suggestions for Improvement

[Replace this line with what you liked or think could be improved about the lab. (Required.)]

Please be sure to upload all of your .java files along with the README.md. Because JavaFX is not installed on esubmit yet, the compile will fail, and you may not see warnings that some of your files are missing.

Week 5 In-Lab Checkpoint/Milestone

During the first lab period, demonstrate your buttons and text laid out cleanly on the screen. You may exerise some creativity in how you perform the layout, but it should be at least as nice as the examples demonstrated in class and shown in the lab page.

Your layout should include the cells and in your start method (or optionally at a button press) you should randomize the cells to show their random textured pattern as demonstrated in class.. (Added 10:30 am, 9 Jan 2018)

I recommend that you read through the lab and provided materials to best and most efficiently achieve this goal.