Data Structures

There is a beginning of lab quiz posted to Blackboard. Please take this quiz during the lab period so you can ask me questions during the quiz if you have any. You can also take it any time on Wednesday or Thursday. Exact dates/times are posted in the quiz. (Added Week 2 Tuesday 24 Mar 2020)

This lab is part of a quarter-long project that provides a practical application to provide background for the topics being discussed that week.

The lab handout summarizes my requirements for the lab. Since Lab 2 will be turned in electronically, you do not need to print the checklist.

Include your name, the course code (SE2030), the lab number and title, any date on which you worked on the lab within the PDF. (Added Week 2 Tuesday, 24 Mar 2020)

Installing Enterprise Architect

In this lab, we will be using Enterprise Architect.

To install Enterprise Architect:

  • Start Global Protect. See the Lab 1 page for instructions on how to install and start Global Protect.
  • Start Software Center (it is available under the Start menu on school machines.)
  • Search for Enterprise Architect in the top-right search box.
  • If you don't see Enterprise Architect, make sure you have started Global Protect. Some programs will display in Enterprise Architect even without Global Protect, but not all of them!
  • Install Enterprise Architect.
  • When you are asked for a key, return to Software Center's Enterprise Architet page. At the bottom of the page in fine print, you will see a small link with the text, "Additional information." Click on this link.
  • You will see a key regsitered to "MSOE username."
  • Use this key to complete the installation


The lab will be submitted through esubmit.

To access esubmit from off-campus or Direct Supply, you will need to install Global Protect. See the Lab 1 page for instructions on how to do this.