Data Structures

This lab is part of a quarter-long project that provides a practical application to provide background for the topics being discussed that week.

The User Acceptance Tests may help to complement the ones your team wrote. Please refer to these (as well as your own tests) as you write your tests this week.

The lab handout summarizes my requirements for the lab. Since Lab 7 will be turned in electronically, you do not need to print the checklist.

The lab will be submitted through esubmit. GitHub Classroom.

When editing README.md in the root of your repository, please use this template:

## Introduction

[You can replace this line with an intro to your project or just leave it here for now]

## Progress Reports
### Lab 7

Our team selected Option [n -- replace with the option number you chose]: [Replace with a one-line description of the option you chose]

[Replace or delete this line. You may optionally summarize each team member's contributions here, or go into further detail about the team's accomplishments in general]

To access esubmit from off-campus or Direct Supply, you will need to install Global Protect. See the Lab 1 page for instructions on how to do this.