A datasheet is a reference document for an integrated circuit chip (IC). The datasheet is produced by the manufacturer to assist the engineer in understanding the functionality, pin description, and electrical characteristics of the chip. A datasheet typically summarizes the functionality and pinout (pin name and location) on the first page and expands behavior, internal circuit, and electrical specifications on the remaining pages.

Every integrated circuit chip is identified in the industry by a unique part number. Engineering students slowly memorize the part numbers as they complete product designs in their undergraduate classes.

Quad 2-input Positive NAND gates 7400
Hex inverters (NOT gates) 7404
Quad 2-input Positive AND gates 7408
Quad 2-input Positive OR gates 7432
BCD-7SEG decoder 7447
Dual D flip-flops 7474
Quad 2-input XOR gates 7486
8-to-1 multiplexer (MUX81) 74151
Hex D flip-flops 74174
4-bit synchronous up/down counter 74191
4-bit shift register 74194
Octal transparent register with three-state 74373
Octal edge-triggered register with three-state 74374
RC controlled timer LM555
16-KB electrically programmable read-only memory (EPROM) 27C128
32-KB static random access memory 62256
64KB static random access memory 62512

The EECS Technical Support Center (S-348) has many standard chips available for checkout and laboratory use. Note that zooming-in makes the chip PDF document easier to read!