Data Structures

You might find it helpful to compare your solution with last year's rubric and common mistakes.

Submission Instructions for Dr. Yoder

Submission due 11pm, Tuesday of Week 3

Each student must submit one .pdf file containing their design documentation (you may find it useful to include a UML class diatgram) and a .zip file containing all of your (fully documented) source files. When unzipped, the zip file should produce a single package folder which is your username. For example, if your name is Phileas Fogg, you should put all your Java files in the foggp package, and when your zip file is unzipped, it should produce a single folder called foggp containing all your submission files.

Your program is not required to gracefully handle a missing or invalid input file (it can crash or produce strange results).

Demonstration due beginning of week 3 lab

Each student must be prepared to demonstrate their program at the beginning of the week 3 lab using files announced at start of Lab 3 to demonstrate your program.

Please be prepared to demo any of these files: trickySquare.pnt, longSquare.pnt, and magician.pnt

This demo MAY affect the grading of your source-code. It will be worth 30 pts for completion in Lab 3, in addition to any errors found in the sumbitted code as a result of the demo.

(Acknowledgement: Submission instructions adapted from Dr. Taylor's)