Data Structures

Last year's checklist and feedback may be useful when you are checking your own work.

Submission Instructions for Dr. Yoder

Submission due 11pm, Tuesday of week 5

You must use CS2852Lab4Report.docx as a starting point for your report. This is a Word file with blanks to fill in, like the report for Lab 1. Be sure to fill in all the information on the title page and the three pages that follow it.

If you save the report and re-open it, you may receive an error message like "The file CS2852Lab4Report.docx cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents." If you see this, click "OK," and when asked "Do you want to recover the contents of this document," click "Yes." Then save the document, browsing to the place you originally saved it and overwriting that file. If asked, select "Replace existing file."

When you are done writing your report, you may want to spell-check it. To do this, turn off the restriction by going to the Developer tab, then clicking on the "Restrict Editing" icon. In the pane on the right-hand side, at the bottom of the page, click the "Stop Protection" button. This will enable spell-checking. If you turn off "Restrict editing," be sure to turn it back on again once you have corrected your spelling mistakes. Restricting the editing helps make sure I see everything you type into your report.

Please ask if you have questions about how to use this file. Your report should consist of three pages after the title filled in. Page 3 (the results with kjv.txt and words.txt) is required to get a full score on the lab (excluding it will result in 95/100 as your best possible grade).

(Acknowledgement: Submission instructions adapted from Dr. Taylor's)