Data Structures

Strategy Report

The initial strategy report will be submitted through esubmit.

If you are just using text, please upload a README.md following this template, replacing the text in italics with your own words:

## Report title
Date: date submitted
Author: your name
Collaborator(s): Name of the classmate you worked with in lab to develop the strategies

## Strategy 1's name

### Description
A clear, concise description of the strategy that identifies any pre-built data structures that you plan to use.

### Advantages
An explanation of what makes it superior to the strategies used in lab 4 as well as your assessment of how much of an improvement you expect to see.

### Shortcomings/Trade-offs
A description of any shortcomings/trade-offs associated with the strategy (e.g., initialization is slower, but look-ups are faster).

## Strategy 2's name

### Description
A clear, concise description of the strategy that identifies any pre-built data structures that you plan to use.

### Advantages
An explanation of what makes it superior to the strategies used in lab 4 as well as your assessment of how much of an improvement you expect to see.

### Shortcomings/Trade-offs
A description of any shortcomings/trade-offs associated with the strategy (e.g., initialization is slower, but look-ups are faster).

If you wish to include figures in your report, please include the same information and sections, but produce a PDF called README.pdf instead of README.md

In-lab Demo (Due at start of Week 10 lab period)

Please be prepared to demonstrate one of your two strategies at the start of the Lab 10 lab period.

Final submission (Due 7am Saturday of Week 10)

The lab will be submitted through esubmit.

You will upload:

  • Your individual .java and .fxml files
  • An executable .jar file
  • A README.md file with a slightly more formal report

If you are submiting a draft submission to esubmit, please include the empty file DONOTGRADE.txt so that I don't start grading something until you intend it to be complete. You can continue making submissions until the deadline.

Please use the template below for your README.md. Remember to show extensions if you start by using a .txt file to ensure that your file is not named README.md.txt or just README by mistake.

Please use this FINALREADME.md template as the basis for your final report. Please keep the name as FINALREADME.md, to avoid confusing it with your initial strategy README.md template, which you do NOT need to resubmit.

If you wish to include descriptions of your final strategies in your final submission, please include them within your GUI as suggesed on the main submission pages so that a user can find them easily while running your program.