Data Structures

The lab checklist (Update: Deadline changed to 7am) summarizes my requirements for the lab. Since Lab 1 will be turned in electronically, you do not need to print the checklist.

The lab will be submitted through esubmit. Type your username in all lower case (as you always should!) when logging in to esubmit to avoid a bug.

To access esubmit from off-campus or Direct Supply, you will need to install Global Protect. Dr. Hasker's instructions will give you a good start. If you are installing it from off campus, you will need to browse to https://sslvpn.msoe.edu/. This link is blocked on campus — use Software Center instead.

When installing Global Protect from off-campus, the configuration is a little different than on campus. When you first start Global Protect, type sslvpn.msoe.edu for the portal, then, when prompted, enter your MSOE username and password.

You will upload:

  • Your individual .java and .fxml files
  • An executable .jar file
  • A README.md file with a brief informal report

Please use this template for your README.md:

## Introduction

[Replace this line with a description of the lab in your own words)]

## Conclusion

[Replace this line with a description of what you learned in this lab)]

## Things I Liked / Suggestions for Improvement

[Replace this line with what you liked or think could be improved about the lab. (Required.)]