Data Structures

The lab checklist (Update: Deadline changed to 7am) summarizes my requirements for the lab. Since Lab 1 will be turned in electronically, you do not need to print the checklist.

The lab will be submitted through esubmit.

Reminder: To access esubmit from off-campus or Direct Supply, you will need to install Global Protect. Dr. Hasker's instructions will give you a good start.

You will upload:

  • Your individual .java and .fxml files
  • An executable .jar file
  • A README.md file with a brief informal report

If you are submiting a draft submission to esubmit, please include the empty file DONOTGRADE.txt so that I don't start grading something until you intend it to be complete.

Please use this template for your README.md:

## Introduction

[Replace this line with a description of the lab in your own words)]

## Conclusion

[Replace this line with a description of what you learned in this lab)]

## Things I Liked / Suggestions for Improvement

[Replace this line with what you liked or think could be improved about the lab. (Required.)]