Software Development II

Our final lab this quarter is not linked from Dr. Taylor's site. We will instead be using these labs:

The lab checklist is only electronic for this lab. It shows the points I will evaluate while grading the lab, but you do not need to submit it as part of your assigment.

Correct any deviations from the Coding Standard that were pointed out in returned graded lab(s) (Spring 2017: This is Labs 1, 2, 3, and 7 so far) and continue to follow the complete standard.

Submit your files through esubmit. You should see no compile errors, and a runtime error that looks something like:

No X11 DISPLAY variable was set, but this program performed an operation which requires it.

(Among other errors). You may also see other runtime errors produced by YOUR CODE. If you do, your submission is OK. (Of course, compile-time errors are NOT OK.)

Lab 9

Spring 2017: Lab 9 is due Friday of Week 10 at 5pm unless otherwise arranged with the instructor.

The lab checklist is only electronic for this lab. It shows the points I will evaluate while grading the lab, but you do not need to submit it as part of your assigment.

Submit your FXML application as you have done the previous ones. Submit to Lab9-BinaryFiles.

One shortcut: You can select multiple files at a time after you have selected the main file:

As usual, you should see an error about initializing the renderer