Software Development II

For the main lab instructions, see Dr. Taylor's site reachable from the Lab7 (ins) link in the sidebar.

Your lab should be ready to demo at the start of the Lab8 lab period.

Week 7 In-Lab Checkpoint/Milestone

You should respond to one user event during the lab period. Your program's response to this event should be at least one meaningful step toward the requirements in the lab.

Spring 2017: During the Week 7 Lab period, you should be ready to demo your lab following the happy-paths correctly for a file containing the header and only Triangles and LabeledTriangles (in any order). It should respond to all correct file input, but does not need to handle any problems or user errors.

Spring 2017: You may read the contents of the file from a Scanner wrapped around instead of a file if you find that easier. It will not be hard to adapt your code to use a file instead. If you choose this route, you will need to allow the user to type "done" or something so that your program knows the file is over. You will need to edit this later to detect when there are no more lines in the Scanner, which shouldn't be too hard.

For the demo during the Week 8 lab, please download the files and run your program on them. Please keep the windows and any pop-ups open in the background, and your command-prompts open in IntelliJ as you begin on Lab 8.

Also open notthere.txt, a file which does not exist. Again, keep any pop-up messages open so they are visible when I come by.

Submission Instructions

The lab checklist is only electronic for this lab. It shows the points I will evaluate while grading the lab, but you do not need to submit it as part of your assigment.

Correct any deviations from the Coding Standard that were pointed out in returned graded lab(s) (Spring 2017: This is Labs 1 and 2 so far) and continue to follow the complete standard.

Submit your files through esubmit. You should see no compile errors, and a runtime error that looks something like:

No X11 DISPLAY variable was set, but this program performed an operation which requires it.

(Among other errors). You may also see other runtime errors produced by YOUR CODE. If you do, your submission is OK. (Of course, compile-time errors are NOT OK.)