
In the table below, in the page numbers pp. xx/yy, xx refers to the page number in the hard copy of Szelinski's Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications, and yy refers to the electronic version.1

Week Day Topics Reading Lab
1 Overview of Modern Computer Vision
Image representation and manipulation: Pixels, Color, Gray-scale, and Matting
1.1*, 1.2, 1.3*
3.1.1-3.1.3 (p. 91/)
Lab 1a: Simple Image Manipulations
2 Filtering: Convolution, smoothing, edge conditions 3.1.4, Eq. 3.41 (p. 112/128), 3.2 (p. 98-107/111-122)
1 Filtering: differentiation
Summarizing an image: Histograms and Blocks
2D homographic point transforms
Changing pixels: Thresholding
Appendix A
2.1-2.1.2 (pp. 29-36/)
Lab 1b: Introduction to filtering and histograms
2 Review of linear algebra
Filtering: Hessian (Hessian not covered)
Homographic image warping. Interpolation.
6.1 - 6.1.4 (pp. 275-282/), 3.5.1
1 Multi-resolution blob detection and image pyramids
Machine Learning and Features
4.1 (p. 183-184/), A.1.2 (p. 647-649/)
3.5 (all), 4.1.1, Sub-section Scale Invariance (p. 191-193/)
Lab 2: Warping images
2 The SIFT feature-point description 4.1.2
1 Margin (Lab 2 continued)
2 Composite image transforms
1 Composite image transforms -- exercise Lab 3: Multi-scale interest-point detection (SIFT)
Feedback Survey
2 Testing machine-learning algorithms: Performance metrics, ROC curves 4.1.3 (p. 200-204/)
3 RANSAC -- Random Sampling and Consensus 6.1.4
1 3D transforms: Rotation, Translation, Camera projection 2.1.4-2.1.5 (pp. 36-52/) Lab 5: Image stitching by SIFT/SURF feature matching
2 3D transforms: Focal lengths, Vanishing points and Camera calibration 6.3 (pp. 288-295/)
3 Radial distortion and gradient descent 2.1.6 (pp. 52-54/)
1 (Margin) Lab 6: 3D Camera Geometry and Calibration
2 Survey: Detection Algorithms 14.1.2, 14.3-14.3.3, 14 (all), papers
3 Survey: Detection Algorithms 14.1.2, 14.3-14.3.3, 14 (all), papers
1 Survey: Face Recognition 14.2.2-14.2.3, papers Lab 7: Detailed Design & Preliminary Implementation of a Computer Vision Project
2 Survey: Face Recognition 14.2.2-14.2.3, papers
3 Survey: Structure from motion 7 (all)
1 Survey: 3D Reconstruction 12 (all) Lab 8: Completion of Implementation of a Computer Vision Project and documentation, and report writing
2 Survey: 3D Reconstruction 12 (all)
3 Survey: Image-based rendering 13 (all)
1 Survey: Structured Light (Kinect) Presentation of Computer Vision Projects
2 Survey: Structured Light (Kinect)
3 Review
TBA Final Exam

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