Operating Systems
# Introduction Please follow the <b>[lab handout](lab7res/CS3841Lab7TheGameOfPong.pdf)</b>, including the <b>Specific Requirements</b>. For the first week of the lab, the [Lab7 Checklist](lab7res/CS3841Lab7Checklist.pdf) is the final authority. Please note that there will also be a Lab 8 Checklist including an excellent credit point. Submit your Week 8 report in hard-copy at the start of the week 9 lab period, with the [Week 8 Lab Checklist](lab7res/CS3841Lab8Checklist.pdf) stapled on top of it. * Submit your code through github classroom by forking [the lab 7 repository (navigate to link within blackboard)](http://msoe.blackboard.com). * This is a team lab. You may work in teams of one or two. Both team members ***must commit*** to the repository. * Please make your teamname<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;```username1_username2```<br> ***where ```username1``` comes first in the alphabet*** and both ```usernames``` are all ***lowercase*** and are your MSOE emails without the @msoe.edu. For example, Phileas Fogg's email is foggp@msoe.edu, and his username is foggp. Please use underscores (```_```), not dashes (```-```) to separate the usernames. * Follow the [more formal lab report style](ReportStyle) this quarter than I usually do. # Resources * [Lab Handout](lab7res/CS3841Lab7TheGameOfPong.pdf) * [Lab7 Checklist](lab7res/CS3841Lab7Checklist.pdf) * <mark>[Lab8 Checklist](lab7res/CS3841Lab8Checklist.pdf)</mark> * <mark>[Lab8 Code Changes](lab7res/CS3841Lab7Changes.pdf)</mark> * [Report Style](ReportStyle) * Git * [The Rebase Introduction I Wish I Had](https://dev.to/maxwell_dev/the-git-rebase-introduction-i-wish-id-had) * NCurses * [Programmer's Guide to NCurses](http://msoe.summon.serialssolutions.com/#!/search?ho=t&l=en&bookMark=ePnHCXMw42LgTQStzc4rAe_hSmGEHnJjDmnKA3vXXHAOMCVxBzqam-kBkT_40jMjYO0NbLKYWHAgugSWxhYGRpwMsgGQBUu5qUXqxQrppZkpqQol-Qp-zuDFDjwMLCVFpcASVcrNNcTZQze3OD81HjoCEg-so0HLP7gZ1CCSxdmZOTnFwGIuHtSSLTYyqTCPT8oGnagErO-MQXPQmhCFicXZwKIGWAyVFMeX5YCnL4vjUbwDVKsEUQusaYCuS8lMB1_2UQA5KyIeWP-agy5eVoYogkyFwmVxGAUaz0jJh6uCcE0sTM3B8-N4fAgA0zls0Q) (through the MSOE Walter Schroeder Library, click the first "eBook" link, then the second "Web address" link. The text is very thorough, and worth going through this maze to reach it. ***It is likely only available on campus or through our Global Protect VPN***) * [NCurses HOWTO](http://tldp.org/HOWTO/NCURSES) * [Writing Programs with NCURSES](http://invisible-island.net/ncurses/ncurses-intro.html) <!--* YouTube: [](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=) (Dr. Schilling)-->