Report Style
We are using a formal but flexible report style for your reports this quarter. While an [example format](reportstyle_res/ReportExample.pdf) is provide <mark>(and an example [Normal.dotm](reportstyle_res/Normal.dotm) Word template with the key-bindings I demoed in class, right-click and save in %appdata%\Microsoft\Templates, moving any dotm file their to backup location, and then launching Word to create a new document.)</mark>, you are not required to follow it. <mark>Read through your report to check that ***every*** word is spelled correctly and check that your grammar is correct.</mark> You have some flexibility in how you arrange the elements of the report to make the flow of the report better. However, the following requirements do hold: You must include the title information and introduction on the same page (Do not use a full-page cover sheet). The title and author must be presented large font. You may choose to center the title as well. While I would like you to have as much flexibility with the report as possible, the following items must be in order: * The title information must be presented in this order: Lab number, Lab title, Author name, Date, github repository link (See the example) * The Introduction must come first * The Conlusions (What I Learned) and Feedback must come last and in that order * The questions must be in the order specied in the lab You are free to give the final sections other names like "Conclusions," "Suggestions for Improvement," or "What I Liked about the Lab" <br> You must include section headings for the sections named above and at least one section in the body of your own making. Left-justify the section headings rather than centering them. The Feedback comes last so that when we scan your labs, we can find your Feedback section easily. You must clearly visually mark the questions and answers. There are several examples of how you can do this in the report. You must include any images as figures with captions and reference those figures by number from the text. In the [example](reportstyle_res/ReportExample.pdf), the first figure has the caption "Figure 1: My first complete program" and from the text, the figure is reference by the text "Figure 1 shows my first complete program! (Figure 2 shows the output when it runs)." <mark>TBA: Word shortcuts and normal.dot template</mark> <mark>(This page Released Week 2 Friday)</mark>