Operating Systems
# Introduction Please follow the <b>[lab handout](lab9res/CS3841Lab9AMemoryDebugger.pdf)</b>, including the <b>Specific Requirements</b>. For the first week of the lab, the [Lab9 Checklist](lab9res/CS3841Lab9Checklist.pdf) is the final authority. * Submit your code through github classroom by forking [the lab 9 repository (navigate to link within blackboard)](http://msoe.blackboard.com). * This is a team lab. You may work in teams of one or two. Both team members ***must commit*** to the repository. * Please make your teamname<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;```username1_username2```<br> ***where ```username1``` comes first in the alphabet*** and both ```usernames``` are all ***lowercase*** and are your MSOE emails without the @msoe.edu. For example, Phileas Fogg's email is foggp@msoe.edu, and his username is foggp. Please use underscores (```_```), not dashes (```-```) to separate the usernames. *** See the note about having to use a new username on the link in blackboard *** * Follow the [more formal lab report style](ReportStyle) this quarter. # Resources * [Lab Handout](lab9res/CS3841Lab9AMemoryDebugger.pdf) * [Lab9 Checklist](lab9res/CS3841Lab9Checklist.pdf) * [Report Style](ReportStyle) * Git * [The Rebase Introduction I Wish I Had](https://dev.to/maxwell_dev/the-git-rebase-introduction-i-wish-id-had) * Required * YouTube: [Reading And Interpreting Map Files](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ivi3Kz-GBw) (Dr. Schilling) * Optional * YouTube: [SetjmpTutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-KLjuA98PQ) (Dr. Schilling) <!--* YouTube: [](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=) (Dr. Schilling)-->