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Description Syllabus Policies Grading Lab info
This is where you check for news and information regarding recent additions (assignments, announcements, etc) to this site. The latest revision will be put at the bottom of the list.
5/5/2020 - moved lecture on Sprint Reviews and Retrospectives to W9; Quiz still
Tuesday W10
4/28/2020 - edited/updated End of Sprint Report and made minor changes to SE2800 End of Sprint Report template on Confluence
4/13/2020 - edited
Sprint Progress Reporting
and made significant changes to SE2800 Weekly Status
Report template on Confluence
Moved Quiz 5 on Sprints, Sprint Execution, and Sprint Planning to end of W6
4/8/2020 - added Sprint Rules and Grading at W4
4/2/2020 - added Quiz 4 on Ch 7 for Tuesday 4/7
3/30/2020 - updates to Activities 3-1 and 3-2
3/23/2020 - updates to Activities 2-1 and 2-2 (changed links to User Stories, added requirement for test files to Acceptance Criteria in 2-1)
3/9/2020 - updates to W2 validation pt assignment; removed final exam; re-weighted course grading; modifications to Schedule description and Attendance
3/9/2020 - updates to W1 & W2 material
2/26/2020 - initial version
This page was last updated on 05/05/2020.
As an CE, CS, or SE major, you've previously taken CS or SE courses in software development, data structures, and software tools and practices. With this background, you should have a basic understanding of how software applications are constructed. But when you begin a new software development project, how should you plan? how do you estimate the required effort? how do you measure your progress? how do you forecast how much work is left to completion? how can you improve your work in the future?
This course provides an introduction to a Software Engineering Process and the management of software projects. Topics include the software life cycle, effort tracking, project planning, measurement and estimation, design and code reviews, and software quality management. A team-based course project provides the opportunity for students to get hands-on experience working within a software process framework.
Combined Lecture/Lab sessions are on Tuesdays and Thursday in DH445 via Microsoft Teams.
Section 031 meets from 10:00am to 11:50am.
Section 041 meets from 2:00pm
to 3:50pm.
The first 30-40 minutes of each session will be a general lecture/review using Microsoft Teams on the "General" channel. Some of this time will also be used for quizzes (see quiz schedule below).
I will meet with individual teams using a separate, private, Microsoft Team channel for 10-15 minutes during the second part of each class period.
This course is strongly forcused on teamwork, so it is very important for you to communicate and do your part in your team's work. As stated in my general course policies, attendance/participation is mandatory for all combined lecture/labs. Notify me and your team when you foresee yourself to be absent.
Be sure to read the entire document for all relevant policies that apply to this course.
Essential Scrum: A Practical Guide to the Most Popular Agile Process
Kenneth S. Rubin, Addison-Wesley, 2013.
Note: available as a Kindle ebook!
Week | Day | Topic/Activity |
Assignment (to be read before class) |
1 | L1 |
L2 |
team formation Activity 1-2: Process Tool (Jira/Confluence) set up (10/100pts) |
(Beginning 3/23) |
L1 |
Quiz 1: Agile Principles & Ch 2
Activity 2-1: Entering User
Stories into Jira (80pts), |
Chapter 2 Skim Chapter 3 |
L2 |
Quiz 2: Ch 5
Activity 2-2: Review/Revalidation
of SE2030 GPS application (online demo: 50pts), |
Chapter 5 Test files from SE2030 (additional test files will be posted to your team's repository for Activity 2-2):
gps-bad times.txt |
L1 |
Quiz 3: Ch 6 Product Backlog
Activity 3-1: Adding tasks to PBI's
(50pts) |
Chapter 6 |
L2 |
Technical practices: Activity 3-2: Sprint 1 Execution Simulation, start (50pts) |
4 | L1 |
Quiz 4: Ch 7 Sprint 1 Execution Simulation, close
Estimation and Velocity:
4-1: Sprint 2: Planning Poker/Story Point Estimation (50pts) |
Chapter 7 www.planningpoker.com |
L2 |
Git workflows Working with repository branches; merging; Bitbucket Pull Requests Activity 4-2: Sprint 2: Adding tasks to PBI's (50 pts), Starting the sprint (Close W7 Tuesday 8am) |
Sprint Rules and
Grading Technical Note: GPS Coordinate Conversion |
5 | L1 |
Sprints Activity 5-1: Sprint 2 Execution continued |
Chapter 4 |
L2 |
If needed:
Clarifying requirements/completion criteria
Activity 5-2: Sprint 2 Execution continued |
Definition of DONE Defect validation, UI mockups, Test files |
6 | L1 |
Activity 6-1: Sprint 2 Execution continued |
L2 |
Quiz 5: Ch 4,19,20 (Sprints, Sprint Planning, Sprint Execution) Activity 6-2: Sprint 2 Execution continued Initial PBIs due Test files (ex: MHP3-4.gpx) Sprint Progress Reporting |
Chapters 19,20 | |
7 | L1 |
Activity 7-1: Sprint 2 Close 8:00am TUESDAY
End of Sprint Report -
Sprint Planning, another look
Activity 7-1: Sprint 3 planning Sprint 2 Review: Demonstrations/Validations during lab |
Demo files: GPSTest5.GPX GPSTestSpeed.GPX GPSTestGrade.GPX Maps.pdf NewYork.GPX MiddleburyGap.GPX Vermont.GPX KancamagusPass.GPX |
L2 |
Sprint 2 Review: Demonstrations/Validations during lab, continued
End of Sprint Report - finish Sprint 3 Execution, start (Close W10 Tuesday 8am) |
8 | L1 |
Prep: Read Chapter 8, watch W. Cunningham video Technical Debt Activity 8-1: Sprint 3 Execution continued |
Chapter 8 |
L2 |
Quiz 6: Technical Debt Activity 8-2: Sprint 3 Execution continued |
Sprint 2 Defects fixed, merged into dev, Waiting
for Validation |
9 | L1 |
Product Owner Scrum Master Activity 9-1: Sprint 3 Execution continued |
Chapters 9 and 10 Other PBIs Waiting for Validation |
L2 |
Activity 9-2: Sprint 3 Execution continued Sprint Reviews Sprint Retrospectives |
Chapters 21 and 22 Other PBIs Waiting for Validation |
10 | L1 |
Sprint 3 Close 8:00am TUESDAY Quiz 7: Reviews and Retrospectives, Product Owner, Scrum MasterActivity 10-1: Sprint Report - start Sprint 3 Review: Demonstrations/Validations during lab |
L2 |
Sprint 3 Review: Demonstrations/Validations during lab, continued Activity 10-2: End of Sprint Report - finish Report in Confluence by end of lab Thursday Online Course Evaluation (TBD) Final comments |
11 |
No final exam! |
My general course policies apply to this course
Note that this algorithm indicates how a grade will be determined for students who have successfully demonstrated mastery of the course objectives. An acceptable level of success in meeting all course objectives is a prerequisite for a passing grade in the course.
Criterion | Weight |
Quizzes | 20% |
Assignments/Sprint execution (Status Reports, Sprint Reports, Git work products, time logs) | 80% |
Final Exam (cancelled) | 0% |
This page was last updated on 05/05/2020.