- This course requires an Altera University Program /
Terasic DE10-Lite development board. This board is purchased
in CE1901. Students that did not take MSOE CE1901 must
purchase the CE1901 kit materials from EECS Technical
Support (S-348).
- Consult the instructor during office hours for
clarification or help with the assigned laboratory exercises.
- Read the laboratory completely before
begining your work. Weeks 3 through 10 are written as formal
requirements and specifications documents. These documents are
significantly longer than the academic lab handouts from CE1901.
Requirements are things a system must do.
Specifications are how the system does it! These
types of documents are created for most engineering projects.
- Complete the laboratory design and
simulation exercises during the week before the lab is due.
- Add appropriate code documentation comments to
your VHDL code.
- Simulate your solution to verify operation.
- Write a short one-page document that describes
the work completed, your approach to simulation, and how you know the
simulation proves your solution works.
- Study the laboratory material and
prepare to answer questions from the instructor
during your demonstration.
- Bring your laptop and laboratory board to
every lab.
- Demonstrate your working solution to the
instructor when called upon.
- Submit your one page essay, printed VHDL code,
and simulations as a stapled submission packet.
- Preview the next laboratory exercise.
Prepare questions for the instructor if needed.
- Begin work on the next laboratory exercise.
- There are usually no laboratory teams in CE1911. Most labs
will be worked by each individual student.
- Feel free to consult with each other as you work on laboratory
exercises but remember that you are responsible for the course
material and will be quizzed by the instructor during your
- Many designs in CE1911 will run at high speed. The laboratory
logic analyzers will be used to see these high speed machine outputs.
- Students often want to test their machines at slow speed before
coming to the laboratory period. Use this
VHDL slowclock component inserted
into the clock path to slow down the 50MHz Altera DE0-Nano-SOC
clock to a 1Hz clock. Assign output pins to Altera DE0 LEDs to
watch their behavior at slow speed as shown below.